Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Thalassa Beach Resort Possession Dates.

Dear Owners,

It is with great pleasure that we are now in a position to invite you to take possession of your property at Thalassa Beach Resort.

We propose to commence the handover and possession process of apartments in blocks 13 to 21* from the 1st May 2012. 

We are about to start sending out individual e mails to all clients who need to now make their arrangements to visit. This is a time consuming task so please bear with as at this extremely busy time. 

The e mail will also include an attachment with further information which will hopefully answer any questions you may have. 

Once we have completed this procedure we will write to the rest of the clients who are not part of the first phase of handovers. 

Please try to wait for receipt of the e mail before contacting us as we are focused on getting the information out to everyone so there will be a delay in replying to other e mails.
*Some exclusions apply in blocks 13/14/15.