Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Coptic storm dates

11th of  January
El- kahira (*)
Gale (xxx)
19th of January
El- fedara-El kebira

Large feeder gale
28th of January
un-named gale
18th of February
El-Shams (*)-El Seghria
Small sun gale
( xxx)
10th of March 
El husson or  El  hasson (lasts double the usual time)
Equinox Gale
20th of March
El- Shams (*) El kebina
 Big  Sun gale (xxx)
25th  of March
 Wind Gale
29th of April
 Khamseen  winds (hot and  sandy)
Sand laden W. winds
27th of  September
El saleeb winds
cross winds
21st of October
El Saleebish
28th of November
El Mikness (*)
Broom gale (xxx)-very strong
6th of December
20th of December
El fedra el Saggira(light gale)
El small feedre gale.